Fairy lights, Fairytailes and Firefly uh oh and stars

hye all :)

harini i wanna share some of my passions. i do love glowing things and lights. im into them like sooo much. suka lah tgok lampu bintang or apaapa yg bercahayaaa. yelah, bright things give hope for me. sbb at the end, in every darkness, there's still some lights. eh quote pulak weheee.

1) Fairy Lights.
k fairy lights ni apa sebenarnya ? basically, they are decorations lights with many colours,shapes,sizes and variation of lightstyle. najwa punalah minat sampai beli satu and addicted pasang kat bilik every night. cantik sgt and it really fascinated my eyes smpai takleh tidur *gelak sedih*

bercitacita nak ada yg mcmni. macam disco ball je rupa *haha

yg orange "HB" tu mima punya fairy lights. heeee

mine dh ada warna putih but i dont have any pictures of it yett nanti la bebila free najwa upload. 

2) Fairytales.

Time slows down whenever you're around
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
haa fairytale ni biasa la en, every typical girl (ipah selalu ckp ak ni typical girl ) like me ?! punya dreams kan. eventhough you know, fairytales doesnt exist but i believe in the beauty of my dreams :)

3) Fire flies.

ni sebenarnyaaa motif utama pos kali ni,nak cerita pasal taman kelip-kelip yang kitorang pergi haritu. najwa pegi dgn my two beloved person ececee.

tempat ni terletak dkt kampung kuantan dkt kuala selangor. jarak sini dgn shah alam took around satu jam centu. tp laluan after highway otw nk pegi sini agak creepy sbb gelap all the way and got only few lampu jalan. so, we arrived there by 650 something. terus pegi makan and solat sbb tmpt tu bkk pukul 8. bertolak dlm pukul 540 centu la sbb banyak kerja nk buat  *busyla konon* 

this is mektie and adib :)

while we're waiting for the boat.

Basically, boat dia mcmni. and the fee is RM50) per boat. so haritu kitorang bertiga muatlahh satu boat.
*malangnyaa, ak yang belanja haritu*

memang view dia mcmni malah lagi cantik. najwa takleh describe. korang kena pegi tgok sendiri. *terkesima*

ni a few gambar kitorang. till we meet again in the next entry yo :) *winkwink*


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