Austria Part 1 (SALZBURG)


  This is my first time writing in UK (Cardiff to be precise). Just got back from my winter trip few days ago and currently decaying myself hibernating on my bed πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Since, memory fresh lagi sbb baru balik kan so i would like to share my experiences travelling to Austria. Sebenarnya, we dont even plan to go here tp since ajakan seniors a.k.a akak2 usrah jugak so, okayla we've decided to join. Positively, first time nak travel kan, kena la ikut diorang dulu baru boleh serap ilmu mana patut before pergi travel sendiri2 nanti. Well, undeniably banyak benda yang kitorang belajar starting from how to manage our journey when travelling to different countries and how to be very careful and not to trust anyone easily dan paling penting jaga barang betul2 sbb mcm mcm boleh jd bila kat negara org ni kan. So, we went to Austria by plane. Biasanya mmg guna Ryanair as it is the cheapest airline in europe. so, the flight was okay no delay alhamdulillah. First stop is Sallzburg. Memula sampai mmg excited yelah dh sampai Austria kot semua tempat pun cantik and ni my first time experience naik tram. Nampakla betapa majunya negara diorang dgn wire letrik tram tu berselirat kat atas tu and dgn ketepatan masa yang mmg sgt tepat. Plus the good part is even ada delay or lambat few minutes everyone akn dinotify jd senangla utk org2 lain rancang future actions in case anything happens or the have to rush for a meeting or what. Malaysia should do that too i guess, as KTM is wayyy to far behind but yeahhh Malaysia ttp di hati ❤❤

Ni first stop, ntah lupa nama dia but the famous tourist spot in Salzburg sbb bridge dia macam dkt namsan org gantung2 kunci lepastu campak dalam air. nak buat jugak tp fikir balik, whats the point plus mangga tu mahal gila okay 10€ kalau tk silap centu la harga dia. So, explore jela setiap kunci kat situ kot2 jumpa yang best 

since 1996 kot dh almost 20 years :)

The next few stops is mozart house. oh, some quite interesting fact, Mozart the famous musician 🎁🎸🎷🎢🎹 ( he's a musician isn't him ?) was born here so basically semua cenderahati fridge magnet keychain jadah asas dia mozart la even chocolate khas for mozart pun ada πŸ˜‹ and lps tu kak sue bawak kitorang mendaki bukit eh ? tangga sebenarnya di mana najwa ngan hanis dh semput22 nak sampai atas. Nampak tak betapanya lama tak buat physical activities. akhirnya, okayla alhamdulillah sampai jugak puncak dia and masyaAllah the view of sallzburg from top is amazing. sangat cantik even pakai iPhone camera pun dh cantik apatah lagi we see it with our own 576mp pairs of eye isn't it ? therefore, ni a few pictures from the top of the so-called ank tangga, sorry tak sempat nak observe apa nama tempat ni but its a few steps away from mozart house. 😁

lepastu kitorang pergi few places mcm  Christmas market dia, pergi tgok kesai cenderahati and some of the girls naik kuda malam tu and we had so much fun in Salzburg and the hotel was very comfortable to stay in. (Meininger Hotel) cumaya, makanan halal yang susah sikit so setiap kali nk makan kena tanya whether it contains any alcohol or meat or pork bla bla. Till we meet again on the next post on Hallstatt. Goodnight πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ™†


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